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The Room of 2 Monsters DEMO 2.1
Sang Hendrix
The Room of 2 Monsters is a situational psychology puzzleRPGoffline game, where all your choices "truly matter" whentheydecided whether you continue living under sunshine or starthavingyour first dark day. STORY Once upon a time, there were twobestfriends living somewhere we never knew about because it hadneverbeen discussed. They lived together happily until one of themwentmissing. The missing person was Jack. The other one, calledHenry,could not find anything but a piece of paper in Jack's roomwithone line "In the forest, where you will find me, there'ssomethingI haven't told you." Standing in front of the brokenwindowsplattered with Jack's blood, Henry decided to go look forJack inthe forest, accidentally began a whole new adventure thatHenrywasn't prepared for. FEATURES • Language support: TiếngViệt,English • Mostly psychological puzzles • Decision making isthehighlight • Puzzles can be solved in multiple ways • You canaskpeople for help or just go by yourself • You can be whoeveryouwant to be (with consequences) • Multiple endings. The way youplayleads you to a road that you deserve • An offline game HAVEAQUESTION? Facebook: ------------ MOREABOUT THEROOM OF 2 MONSTERS THE ROOM OF 2 MONSTERS was created inRPG Makerengine and entirely in pixel art. The game is targetespecially toall the horror games fan out there. It is one of theoffline gamesand one of the killing games that you can enjoy on thego. You canplay whenever you want without worrying of not having astrong wificonnection. STORY GAMES + DECISION MAKING = YOUR OWNOUTCOME Everycharacter from THE ROOM OF 2 MONSTERS will bring you anew puzzle.But not like most other story offline games, this oneyou cantarget and kill everyone. People can't tell you what to do!Yes,this is heading to be one of the strongest and darkestkillinggames. PUZZLE GAMES WITH A TWIST Puzzles in THE ROOM OF 2MONSTERSare easy but also not easy to solve. It's easy because youcan endeveryone's life. There will be no life after for them. Butit'salso hard because sometimes the NPC will give you a task whereyouwill find it hard to decide what you should do. This offlinegameis This is because the real puzzle in this offline game is tofindout the meaning behind all the secrets that keep coming towardyou.NO SHOOTING, ONLY SLICING In this game's world, you'll onlyhaveone weapon and that'll be a knife. Because killing with knifeismuch more dramatic. THE KILLING GAMES FOR PIXEL ART GAMES FANSTHEROOM OF 2 MONSTERS can be a killing game and not a killing game,itall depend on your decision and how long can you hold yourpatient.Download and solve all the puzzles in THE ROOM OF 2MONSTERS now!The killing offline game you love might be this one.
Seven Mysteries 3.5
Sang Hendrix
Unravel school mysteries in this story-driven offline adventurehorror rpg
Dear RED 3.0.7
Sang Hendrix
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Into Samomor 1.2.1
Sang Hendrix
A horror choice-driven adventure, twisted story game. Uncover darksecrets!